Better field naming for Webhooks

Fields in webhook data are labelled:
"Data 1 Label", "Data 1 Response" (for the first field)
"Data 2 Label", "Data 2 Response" (for the second field)

If a new field is created between the 1st and 2nd field, "Data 2 Label" (for example) may now be "Data 3 Label" and the knockon effect is that most of the fields have now changed name.

This makes it very difficult to manage with webhooks, and causes the automation to be completely rewritten every time there is a form structure change.

A better Label would be to replace "Data 1...", "Data 2..." etc with the name of the field, so that webhooks would always find the correct label.


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The labels are not labelled like that by us. The name of the label is the actual name you used while creating the field. "Data 1", "Data 2" etc is nothing we send. There is a data array: cloud.ivymayhem.io/WSX7gJXq

You test how we send the data by using a service like webhook.site when adding the webhook to Deftform. Simply use the "Send test" function: cloud.ivymayhem.io/XVH2bXWK
In Review
Simon S