Password field

We're missing a password field. Could be either a variant of the short text field, or a specific field. Including the ability to set rules for password security level (nb chars, allowed / mandatory types of chars,...) and the "eye" to reveal the password being set.

Without this field, we (I) can't use Deftform for signup / registration forms. 


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Jack S.
Example use:
Passing a password in a secure form to the Team implementing the service (e.g. FTP for the client's website being implemented).

Something that could be transferred using technology similar to inprivy.io (maybe even supporting it).
We are a little reluctant to offer this kind of field. In the earlier days, scammers tried to get email addresses and passwords from people. Offering a password field isn't something we plan to add because the password would be visible to admins and that's not how it should be. We don't see any other secure use-case. I will leave this request open for now, maybe someone will come up with a valid use-case.
Jack S.
Interesting idea.
Or maybe it could be connected to the inPrivy.io password transfer technology?
+ 5
Christophe HAMERLIK